Sunday, August 30, 2009

A day at the lake

So today we went with Nate's cousins, The Helms, to Belews Lake. Its a beautiful lake about 20 minutes from here thats crystal clear in most parts and warm all year. The temperature is around 80-90 degrees in some parts due to the Duke Energy plant that cycles the water. It was a great day to be out on the water, and yes I did get in! I attached a picture so you could be jealous of the view.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The project of the day!

Today JoAnne (Nates Aunt) and I are fighting the battle with fleas. We have tried a few home remedies but nothing has worked so far. The test of the day is using apple cider vinegar after bathing them and putting some in there drinking water. If you have a remedy that has worked, please let me know! Our dogs havent had to many but still I dont like even one! I will let you know if this works...if not this is to be continued.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hello Friends and Family! We are new to the blog community, so I promise to get better at this as time goes on. When Nate and I get our computer set up I will attempt to blog everyday, but for the next week or so it will just be a quick update from me. I hope everyone is doing great, we miss our Oklahoma folks, but are enjoying North Carolina! We have had alot of excitment this last month: working on our basement apartment, adding a new addition to our family(Charlie), exploring NC, Nate starting the academy, and settling into a new lifestyle. Things here are alot slower and we are loving it. I am trying to become a country girl, which Nate doesnt think I am succeeding at..... its a work in progress I suppose. I will post pictures soon for your enjoyment on that subject. Anyways, lots has gone on and I have lots of funny stories to tell but for now, its time for me to go to bed. I suggest you do the same thing if its a school night :)